Graduate Students Assist BayBio Fall 2014 Fellows All-Star Team Advisory (FAST) Program
Jackson Leong, Chris Biondi, Jillian Harris, Magda Holda, Xue "Cher' Yang and Michael Kawcynski participated as Project Managers in the BayBio Fall 2014 Fellows All-Star Team (FAST) Advisory Program.

2014 Program Orientation Meeting. Welcome New Cohort 5 Class!

Congratulations to Spring 2014 Graduates
Congratulations to our 3rd cohort class (entered SFSU in August 2012) which achieved a 100% degree completion rate in the Master of Science in Biomedical Science program!

The 2014 graduates are:
Shana McDevitt, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended her master’s project “Next Generation Sequencing Methods Generate Artificial Human Leukocyte Antigen Diversity” under the mentorships of Dr. Janelle Noble (Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute) and SFSU faculty on April 4, 2014. Shana is currently a SRA III at CHORI.
Gregory Boucher, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended his master’s project “In vivo Effects of Neutrophil Depletion in Lethally Irradiated, mMPC Treated Mice” under the mentorships of Dr. Anna Sedello (Cellerant Therapeutics) and SFSU directors on April 21, 2014. Greg is a Research Associate II at Cellerant.
Joseph Guillory, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended his master’s project “Colon Cancer Tumor and Cell Line DNA Genotyping from Tissue Microarrays” under the mentorships of Dr. Somasekar Seshagiri (Genentech) and SFSU directors on April 25, 2014. Joe is a Research Associate at Genentech.
Helen Lam, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended her master’s project “Acquired Resistance to GDC-0941 is Triggered by Proinflammatory Cytokines IL-1 and IL-27” under the mentorships of Dr. Jeffey Wallin (Genentech) and SFSU directors on April 25, 2014. Helen is currently a Research Associate at Alector.
Ninalynn Daquigan, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended her master’s project “Detection and Isolation of Hemolysin-Producing Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli” under the mentorships of Dr. David Kiang (California Department of Public Health) and SFSU directors on April 30, 2014. Nina is currently a ORISE Microbiology Research Fellow with FDA.
Nandini Mandyam Adhyapaka, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended her master’s project “Cost-effective Sequencing and Data Analysis Approaches to Whole Human Leukocyte Antigen Genotyping” under the mentorships of Dr. Janelle Noble (Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute) and SFSU directors on April 30, 2014. Nandini is applying to 2015 Ph.D. programs.
Kristopher Plambeck, a Stem Cell Science concentration student, successfully defended his master’s project “Regulation of Brain Rejuvenation by Creb Signaling” under the mentorships of Dr. Saul Villeda (UCSF) and SFSU directors on May 5, 2015. Kris recieved a College of Science & Engineering Graduate Distinguished Achievement Award Recipient and entered a Ph.D. program in the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at UC Davis.
Giovanni Diaz, a Stem Cell Science concentration student, successfully defended his master’s project “Model Systems for Assessing Otogenic Differentiation of Stem Cell-derived Inner Ear Progenitors” under the mentorships of Dr. Stefan Heller (Stanford) and SFSU directors on May 5, 2015. Giovanni received a College of Science & Engineering Graduate Distinguished Achievement Award and entered a Developmental Biology Ph.D. program at Stanford University.
Christopher Duldulao, a Stem Cell Science concentration student, successfully defended his master’s project “CD13-Positive Selection of Human Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Can Enhance Bone Formation” under the mentorships of Dr. Michael Longaker (Stanford) and SFSU directors on May 5, 2014. Chris is now a Life Science Research Associate in the Longaker lab.
Nicholas Larocque, a Stem Cell Science concentration student, successfully defended his master’s project “Isolation and characterization of human trophoblast progenitor cells from the chorionic mesenchyme” under the mentorships of Dr. Susan Fisher (UCSF) and SFSU directors on May 12, 2014. Nick is a Lab Manager in Clinical Research Services at UCSF.
Shilpa Sivaram, a third cohort class Biotechnology student, successfully defended her master’s project “Improving Material Control and Usage in Biologics Manufacturing at Baxter Bioscience” under the mentorships of Ms. Stefanie Matsuoka-Luning (Baxter Bioscience) and SFSU directors on May 14, 2014.
Mellani Llanos, a Biotechnology concentration student, successfully defended her master’s project “Bridging the Gap: Commercial Filling and Environmental Quality Control” under the mentorships of Frank Chew (Genentech) and SFSU directors on May 16, 2014. Mellani is now a QA Associate at Genentech.
Graduate Students Assist BayBio Spring 2014 Fellows All-Star Team Advisory (FAST) Program
Ngoc Hoang, Mayra Perez, Tianna Chow, Shilpa Sivaram and Christopher Duldulao participated as Project Managers in the BayBio Spring 2014 Fellows All-Star Team (FAST) Advisory Program.

PSM student Ninalynn Daquigan is a Presidental Management Fellowship Finalist, a Recipient of a Food and Drug Administration Fellowship, and CSU Don Eden Graduate Student Research Award Finalist.
Ms. Ninalynn Daquigan presented her internship research on foodborne E. coli bacteria at the 26th Annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium on January 10, 2014, in Santa Clara, CA. Her work was featured in a SF State News article "Student Award Finalist Isolates E. Coli."