Recent CIRM Trainee Co-authorship Publications:
- Edward Valenzuela (MS Biomedical Science & 2022 CIRM Science Master’s Fellow) and Janeth Ochoa Birrueta(MS Biomedical Science & 2023 CIRM Science Master’s Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Elizabeth Crouch lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen and Chris Moffatt)
- Ensembles of endothelial and mural cells promote angiogenesis in prenatal human brain. Cell1 2022.
Michelle Pablo (MS Biomedical Science & 2021-22 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Vittorio Sabastiano lab at Stanford. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Kimberly Tanner)
- Monolayer platform to generate and purify human primordial germ-like cells in vitro provides new insights into germline specification. Nature Communication 2022
Amanda Johnson (MS Biology-CMB & 2020-21 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Mercedes Paredes lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Wilfred Denetclaw)
- A CRISPR-engineered Isogenic Model Reveals Altered Neuronal Phenotypes of the 22q11.2 A-B Syndromic Deletion.bioRxiv 2022.
Orry Elor ((MS Biology-CMB & 2018-19 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Nadav Ahituv lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Carmen Domingo)
- High-throughput characterization of the role of non-B DNA motifs on promoter function. Cell Genom. 2022.
Luis Angel Ayala (MS Biology-CMB & 2019-20 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Marius Wernig lab at Stanford. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Mark Chan)
- Treatment of a genetic brain disease by CNS-wide microglia replacement. Sci Transl Med. 2022.
Emily Chu (MS Biomedical Science & 2020-21 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Julie Sneddon lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Chris Moffatt)
- Single-Cell Multi-Omic Roadmap of Human Fetal Pancreatic Development. bioRxiv 2022
Caitlin Peaslee (MS Biology-CMB & 2019-20 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Aras Mattis lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Scott Roy)
- Doxycycline Significantly Enhances Induction of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Endoderm by Enhancing Survival Through Protein Kinase B Phosphorylation. Hepatology. 2021
Johnson Y. Yang (MS Biomedical Science & 2019-20 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Joseph Wu lab at Stanford. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Carmen Domingo)
- Cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist genistein attenuates marijuana-induced vascular inflammation. Cell. 2022.
Nichole Lopez (MS Biomedical Science & 2019-20 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored two new publications from Dr. Joseph Wu and Dr. Karim Sallam labs (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Carmen Domingo)
- Modeling Effects of Immunosuppressive Drugs on Human Hearts Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Organoids and Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. Circulation. 2022.
- Fabrication of 3D Cardiac Microtissue Arrays using Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes, Cardiac Fibroblasts, and Endothelial Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2021.
Karla Medina (MS Biology-CMB & 2019-20 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Marcus Muench lab at Vitalant Research Institute. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen, Mike Goldman & Ivan Anastassov)
- A bioinspired and chemically defined alternative to dimethyl sulfoxide for the cryopreservation of human hematopoietic stem cells. Bone Marrow Transplant 2021.
Cooleen Coombes (MS Biology-CMB & 2019-20 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Jeffrey Bush lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Carmen Domingo)
- Delineating the early transcriptional specification of the mammalian trachea and esophagus. eLife. 2020.
Joann Donatelli (MS Biomedical Science & 2020-21 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored six publications from Dr. Timothy Henrich lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Erica Sanchez)
- Long-term immunologic effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection: leveraging translational research methodology to address emerging questions. Transl Res. 2022
- Characterization and Biomarker Analyses of Post-COVID-19 Complications and Neurological Manifestations. Cells. 2021.
- SARS-CoV-2 antibody magnitude and detectability are driven by disease severity, timing, and assay. Sci Adv. 2021.
- Long-term SARS-CoV-2-specific immune and inflammatory responses in individuals recovering from COVID-19 with and without post-acute symptoms. Cell Rep. 2021.
- Discordant Virus-Specific Antibody Levels, Antibody Neutralization Capacity, and T-cell Responses Following 3 Doses of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in a Patient With Connective Tissue Disease. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021
Elaine Kwan (MS Biology-CMB & 2020-21 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored a new publication from Dr. Michael Rosenblum lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Chris Moffatt)
- Early-life inflammation primes a T helper 2 cell-fibroblast niche in skin. Nature. 2021
Kenisha Puckett (MS Biology-CMB & 2017-18 CIRM Bridges Fellow) co-authored three publications from Dr. Susan Fisher lab at UCSF. (SFSU Faculty Advisors: Lily Chen & Carmen Domingo)
- Global proteomic analyses of human cytotrophoblast differentiation/invasion. Development. 2021
- Organophosphate Flame Retardants, Highly Fluorinated Chemicals, and Biomarkers of Placental Development and Disease During Mid-Gestation. Toxicol Sci. 2021
- Association of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) levels with biomarkers of placental development and disease during mid-gestation. Environ Health. 2020
Publications and Blog:
- A publication by CIRM Bridges alumnus Kenisha Puckett (2017-2018, Dr. Susan Fisher lab at UCSF): Genomic Profiling of BDE-47 Effects on Human Placental Cytotrophoblasts. Robinson JF, Kapidzic M, Hamilton EG, Chen H, Puckett KW, Zhou Y, Ona K, Parry E, Wang, Park JS, Costello JF, Fisher SJ. Toxicol Sci. 2019 Jan 1;167(1):211-226. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfy230.
- A publication by CIRM Bridges student Joanna Donatelli (2020-2021, Dr. Timonthy Henrich lab at UCSF): From Berlin to London: HIV-1 Reservoir Reduction Following Stem Cell Transplantation. Prator, C.A., Donatelli, J. & Henrich, T.J. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 17, 385–393 (2020).
- A blog by CIRM alumnus Yimy Villa (blog.CIRM.ca,org): CIRM Bridges program prepared student for research of a rare disease. Special highlight on Dr. Ian Blong, Ph.D., CIRM San Francisco State University Bridges to Stem Cell Research alumnus.
- Joseph Guillory (cohort class 3 graduate) co-authored “Spectrum of diverse genomic alterations define non–clear cell renal carcinoma subtypes” published in Nature Genetics. 2014; Nov. 17. doi:10.1038/ng.3146.
- Amanda Chargin (cohort class 2 graduate) is first author of "Identification and Characterization of HIV-1 Latent Viral Reservoirs In Peripheral Blood" published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2014; Oct 22. pii: JCM.02539-14.
- Giovanni Diaz (cohort class 3 graduate) co-authored “Inner Ear Hair Cell-Like Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells" published in the Journal of Stem Cells and Development. 2014; June 1, 23(11): 1275-1284. doi:10.1089/scd.2014.0033.
- Kristopher Plambeck (cohort class 3 graduate) co-authored “Young blood reverses age-related impairments in cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in mice” published in Nature Medicine. 2014; 20, 659–663.
- Brenna Gibson-Tirumalashetty (cohort class 2 graduate) co-authored “Comparison of the neuropoietic activity of gene-modified and parental mesenchymal stromal cells and the identification of soluble and extracellular matrix-related mediators” pubished in the Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2014; 5(1): 29.
- Adam Harvey (cohort 1 graduate) is the first author on a manuscript titled “Proteomic Analysis of the Extracellular Matrix Produced by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: Implications for Cell Therapy Mechanisms” in the PLoS One. 2013; 8(11): e79283.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079283
- Huey Jiin Liu (cohort class 2 graduate) co-authored “Partially Penetrant Postnatal Lethality of an Epithelial Specific MicroRNA in a Mouse Knockout” published in PLoS One. 2013; 8(10):e76634.
- Shana McDevitt (cohort class 3 graduate) co-authored “Next generation sequencing reveals the association of DRB3*02:02 with type 1 diabetes” published in Diabetes. 2013; Jul;62(7):2618-22. doi:10.2337/db12-1387.
- Joseph Guillory (cohort class 3 graduate) co-authored “Oncogenic ERBB3 Mutations in Human Cancers” published in the Journal of Cancer Cell. 2013; 23 (5): 603-617. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2013.04.012.